There is SO MUCH to tell you, so lets talk!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Happy Birthday, Big Man!

Well, I thought I'd be posting pictures of sleeping children, but those will have to wait a while because I had one CRAZY weekend. Why? Because my oldest boy turned 11 on Saturday and we celebrated and did so much that very little sleeping was done.

Did I mention that my mom is in town? She almost always comes for the kids birthday and this time she came in on Thursday and we gone non stop since.

Here's a picture of the Birthday boy and I tried to get him to smile, but to no avail:

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My mom got him a Guitar Hero 2 for the Playstation and he played it for a while. Then the other two tried it and decided they would do better together:

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Next, he wanted to go to the Dixie Stampede to see the show and have a great dinner. He has been asking for this since June so I couldn't say no. On the way there, in Pigeon Forge, I saw this amazing Scarecrow!

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We finally made it to the Dixie Stampede and the kids got very excited. First there was a pre show where you could drink some slushies and eat peanuts:

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Then we were moved to the main room which was sort of a rodeo type place and we were fed a wonderful dinner while watching an even more wonderful exciting show!

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The thing was half the audience sat on the "North" side while the other sat on the "South" side. The show was really a set of competitions, North against South. We were sitting on the North side. There was even an ostrich race!

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The rivalry was serious business. Even in the bathroom you had to be careful:

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The North eventually won by a slim majority and the kids went wild!!! Of course, my little buddy went to all the pretty girls to get their autographs.

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You ever hear those news stories about some 2nd grader who was caught under the stairs kissing a 5th grader? I'm hoping I don't get that phone call from the principle.

Anyways, it was a very exciting and wonderful birthday which ended with my big 11 year old boy giving me a great big hug and saying, "this was the best birthday I've ever had dad. Thanks!" You know, you can't pay enough money for something like that.

Oh, I almost forgot. On the way out of the Dixie Stampede, Dolly Parton said goodbye.

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Anonymous said...

YeeeHaaww !!

robkroese said...

Once again, I'm tired just reading about all this activity.

Casdok said...

Yes happy Birthday!
Looks wonderful!

FelineFrisky said...

Uhm..... That Anon comment is L O N G and is garbage - wish I could delete it for you.

Anyhow - What fun with the kids! Happy Birthday Dude!

Dixie Stampede sounds like a blast! What a cool show & dinner, too!

Just what little boys love, action, animals and pretty girls! LOL

Glad Dolly put her 2 cents in for you!

So much fun! D :)

Beth said...

Sounds like you received the best gift on that birthday - "This was the best birthday I've ever had" and the "thanks" from the birthday boy.

Belated Happy Birthday to your 11 year old!

Heather said...

My middles son is turning 11 soon...the magic maker birthday! 11 is serious in it's power and it's good things ahead for Mr. 11! Whoo Hoo! Happy Birthday.
That North South thing is funny...sorta. I am a southern woman...who grew up southern fried...and then lived in the North for 20+ years...I would have had a spilt personality moment if I was at the roedo! *Grins* It looks like great fun though...did you guys get to throw the peanut shells on the floor? :)I love that part!

Sweet and Salty said...

trish: lol! It's weird finding myself in Tennessee! I'm a Cuban who lived im Miami most of my life and now I find myself in a whole different world. I love it, though. People are really nice "around these parts."

diesel: Tell me about it, Diesel. I'm tired doing all these activities. To tell the truth, there was actually more done, but I was too embarrassed to put it up in the same post. I'll leave those for another day.

casdok: It was! Even the birthday boy (the autistic one) expressed his joy through it all.

ff: I wish they'd stop that! You're right about the comment about what boys like. (lol) He loved it and wants to do the same for his birthday. Maybe the little buddy got that cowgirl's phone number when I wasn't watching?

beth: Yes, I did. My goal was trying to create a memorable occasion for him, one he'll remember for a long long time.

hmbt: You would have had to sit on the fence! (grin) It was a hoot, and about the peanuts, I don't know if you were supposed to throw them on the floor or not, but some did!

BarnGoddess said...


now that looks like a boot-kickin' good time :)

Hows your mom? she cooking up some good food while shes visitng?

Karen MEG said...

Happy belated birthday to the big boy! What a great day!!!! Glad that your mom was able to be there to celebrate with you and your kids too. She must be so proud.

Mother Theresa said...

Happy Belated Birthday to you oldest! Wow, a rodeo, I've never been to a rodeo before. Sounds like a great time. I'll be back for the pictures of sleeping kids.

Pedaling said...

wow, found your blog today - cutie pie kids - and i love the variety of your posts - i'll be checking back again.

Sweet and Salty said...

bg: Yes, she's cooking some good stuff!!! I literally skip breakfast and eat a lite lunch so I won't gain 50 pounds while she's here!

Karen meg: Thank you! She's loves those grandchildren...

theresa: I hadn't been to one either until now but it was fun!
About the sleeping pictures, hopefully I can get some in this weekend.

sheila: Nice to me ya! Those kiddos of mine, they're crazy, but they're also cute so I keep 'em around. (smile) Please come back any time you like!

Lapa said...

Real America

RedNeckGirl said...

Looks like y'all had a BLAST! What a great dad :)

Sweet and Salty said...

lapa: Is "that" what it looks like, real America? Count me in 'cause it was a lot of fun!

Redneck Girl: We did!!! Make sure you go if you find yourself around these parts.

louann said...

HAppy Birthday to the young man!! You guys had a wonderful time again!!

Beckie said...

Hi - I came here from Susan's blog. I was looking things over and noticed the Dixie Stampede - I've been there! It was pretty cool.

Anyway - just wanted to say hi.

Sweet and Salty said...

Louann: We did, thanks! He's 11 now, I can't believe it! Well, they can't stay cute and cuddly forever. I do need to swing by and visit you soon since it has been a while. Hope you're well!

Beckie: Hi and thanks for swinging by! Wasn't the dixie stampede fun? I'd go back in a second because the food and the entertainment was wonderful and fun!
Very nice to meet you!