Being Wednesday, I had the kids and I took them down to feed the fish at one of the lakes. Someone had told me about this a few days ago and said, "go to 'such and such' dock and bring the kids with you. They'll love to feed the fish!"
At the time, I thought, "that sounds cool. We'll probably get a handful of fish food and throw them in the water and see an occasional fish pop his or her little head up and eat it." Boy, was I wrong!
First off, there was thousands of fish the side of small boats sitting around waiting to be fed and man, they were agressive! I kept holding on to my children because I thought that if they accidently fell in, the fish would eat them!
Here they are at the dock, about to feed the fish:
Here's a close up of the little guy feed the fish. I think I took the picture just in case he fell in and was eaten, I would at least have a picture of his last moments. I'm telling you, these fish were mean! There were some ducks nearby who were trying to grab a little grub as well, but the fish kept smaking them upside the head!
Here's the girlie, being all girlie like while feeding the fish:
Overall, it was a lot of fun but next time I think I'll bring rope to tie around their waists.